
Tammi's Tips and Trends: Eco-Friendly Wedding Ideas, Part 1

Earth Day is around the corner! So each Friday leading up to April 22nd, we will highlight some FUN and Fresh wedding trends to “show your love” to our planet AND your pocket book! 

First up… ForeverFiances! Offering plantable invitations that are embedded with wildflower seeds (yes, seeds!) that you can actually plant in your garden! Better yet, they use natural soy inks, and 100% recycled paper that is made with carbon neutral energy. How cool is that??

Spring is about renewal and new life.  Give your guests that very gift when they plant your invitation in soil, add a little water and some love… and watch their flowers grow!

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Marveled by Marble Wedding Decor!

The juxtaposition of colors and swirling patterns is what draws us to marbled wedding decor and elements. Who says you have to pick just 1 color, when you add in a marbled look to achieve all the elements you want in one! It adds depth and character.  It is soft and bold all in one.

With spring in the air, we're even more inspired with two toned tulips out in full force! Ummm we just love them!

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Photo credit: Martha Stewart


Guest Blogger: Marissa Cool

About two years ago, I remember Erika Firm of Delphine Press telling me that 'circus' was going to be a big trend and here I am now, curating a post of just that. From vintage carnival to modern day circus, the stripes, the invitation types, and the marquee lights have proven Erika a trend predictor forthright! It's such a fun party theme and provides endless design options for the host.

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xx, marissa

Silkscreen Print / Black Strip Balloons / Admit One Tray / Invitation / DIY Tickets / Pie Favor Boxes / Circo de Bango Ring / Mustache and Lip Straws


Monday Love: Mommarazzi School

How many of you have a digital camera and have no clue how to use it? Well, that would be me! I am not embarrassed because I have realized a good handful of the fancy digital owners are in the same boat. That is exactly why I want to share with you - Mommarazzi School.

The Mommarazzi School is a workshop for parents or just about anyone really, to learn to use their cameras to the best of its ability. I took the class a few weekends back and found it extremely helpful I totally recommend it!

The first part of the class is in the classroom where we spent time learning all about the features; aperture, shooting modes, ISO and shutter speed.  The second part of the class was hands on. We went out to a field and was given specific instructions on how to shoot each shot. That is when you could actually put into place everything you had just learned. I can finally shoot out of manual mode! What an exciting thing to have the tools to be able to now use my very expensive camera and justify the purchase. :) I have found that digital cameras are a very popular wedding gift so if you or anyone you know needs a lesson or two check out The Mommarazzi School!

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A Must Hire: Hire Elegance Event Rentals

If you don't know about Hire Elegance yet- find out about the company now! They are totally blowing up. They are new to the industry but the team behind them is NOT new to the world of custom high end rentals. Stewart and his partner had a similar concept and company in London and recently decided to bring their expertise here to San Diego. They do everything from large corporate parites to giant trade shows all the down to wedding, parties and showers.

Hire Elegance's line of inventory is breath taking and so expansive. They have everything you can dream of and more.  If that is not enough, they can and will make whatever you please!  In order to rent out their items you have to do it through a consultant as they do not rent direct, so hopefully you have an event planner to help you out! :) If not you know where to find one!

Here is a sneak peek of just SOME of their inventory...



Thoughts, Comments or Questions: Le Tote!

Hmmm, help us out on this one. Has anyone ever used Le Tote? We just discovered their website and think they have a smart and savvy concept! The price point is great and the looks they show are cute. The only question I would have is the quality? Let us know if you have tried it out so we can let you all know it is worth the shot!



Ranch Venue with a Colonial Feel: The McCormick Home Ranch

Take a look at this incredible venue. We are lucky enough to have an event here this summer. When we looked at the site and past pictures of the location we feel in love with its charm. We cant wait to see it in person.  The McCormick Home Ranch is located in Camarillo and is a colonial style home built in 1918. It is set in a country atmosphere with lawns, pines, jacaranda and pines. Not to mention the spacious setting with Adirondack furniture and porches surrounding it.



Wedding Wednesday: Nichole and Greg's Tented Rancho Santa Fe Wedding!

Aqua Vivus again hits it out of the park! Gosh they are just SO talented. They are so easy and enjoyable to work with and always produce films that are set apart. I love this video. It captures Greg and Nichole's whole night perfectly. One full of emotion, a ton of love and joy. Next week I will be doing the full blog post on this wedding with the backstory and pictures. Be sure to check back...

But until then enjoy this wedding highlight film of the super sweet couple!

Greg & Nichole {Short Film} from AQUA VIVUS on Vimeo.


Guest Blogger: Marissa Cool!

Even with the bright and fun Spring colors surrounding us, I'm still very intrigued by the juxtaposition of dark and light. These particular floral arrangements (and gift wrapping) struck my eye.  


xx marissa

Photo Source:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4


Vendor Love: Extraordinary Desserts

We are so in love with ALL the sweets and treats from Extraordinary Desserts. Karen is so talented and the team of people she has backing her up are top notch.  We hands down recommend any dessert or cake, as each and every time we have been blown away.



The Belle and the Beau

Happy Friday! It is such a bright and sunny day here in San Diego. I woke up with such high and energetic spirits so it lead me to this fun and colorful post!  Take a peek at the line of bow ties and ties from The Belle and the Beau.

This is such a fun and unique way to add some spunk into your wedding!

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