Finishing Touches Tuesday: A Simple Tea

This past week we celebrated my Mom's 65th birthday! As always my mom did not want us to make a big fuss of her and just keep it "simple". So I did my very best to listen to her advice and scale it back a notch! So instead of a big to-do party we had the immediate family over to our place for a tea and pastry brunch. I wanted her to feel special because she is one of the most important people in my life and is SO giving and selfless to everyone around her.

That was achieved, she was so appreciative of our simple tea and enjoyed every second she had with all her kids and grand kids!

As you all know I love the "finishing touches" you can put on a party. This spread was so simple and easy to do. I went to my local flower mart and picked up fresh blooms on the morning of, arranged them and put them in vases I had around the house, added in some pastries on dessert stands, and set up a serve yourself tea and coffee section! The trick is: setting up a good presentation. It makes it look like you spent hours of work! :) Also last tip - If you are dressing up a party, make each area a "bang" rather then spreading out the decor or food items. They get lost that way, where as in grouping you really see everything come to life!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Michele, those pictures are adorable and what a great idea for your mom. I'm sure she loved it. You are such a sweet and thoughtful daughter which will also help to make you a wonderful mommy as well. Lucky family!

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