Finishing Touches Tuesday: Learn to Arrange

As you may know a major motto of mine is: the beauty is in the details. This can be a hard thing to overlook if you don't have a eye for the details or how to lay them out. So, today I want to take you through a few simple lessons on "arranging". Arranging will help give your party a major pop as it will help you notice the pretty elements that have gone into the event.

As you can see below in the top left hand corner, there is a basic but pretty juice dispenser. Instead of just leaving the container the way you see it here and being happy with the presentation, lets take it a step farther.

Now look at the bottom picture: there is so much more going on! So let's think about adding the elements together. Combining the juice dispenser with the bottles of juice you are using to fill it, glasses laid out in sequence, a print card letting the guest know what they are drinking, and a few touches of fruit or floral! How easy is that! Literally only a few extra steps and all things that you likely have around your house.

Arranging Tips:

1. Use different heights and sizes
2. Keep you decor in a close area- cluster. Don't spread out. It will get lost and lose the effect
3. Do things in odds not even
4. When in doubt angle with the decor piece, as opposed to the placing in the center
5. When using one color don't try and match it perfectly, use different shades of the color
6. Less is more, don't over clutter



~ Michele

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